Have you ever really wanted something in your life, thought about it all the time, maybe even obsessed about it and it just doesn’t seem to happen? Ever been caught up in focusing on what’s missing in a situation and it seems to just be in some kind of endless loop of never getting resolved? Yeah, me either. Riiiiiight. What if YOU are the thing that is preventing the situation from moving forward? What if all your focus on how you DON’T have what you want, on what’s missing - is the very thing that keeps it from manifesting in your life? Well, that would be upsetting news at first, you might see that as "blame" in some way. Yet, when you understand it's not about self-judgement – it’s GREAT news, because it means YOU have the power to shift the situation yourself. You don’t have to wait for conditions or other people to change! You can create what you want with a shift in your OWN thinking!! WOO HOO!! You've got the power!!! All this month, I have been reaching for making a shift in my own frequency. Love and appreciation are the aim of what I want to radiate out into the world and in myself. It’s been pretty powerful, and I find that there is still a pretty huge amount of resistance in me. What I say that I want and want to be – I don’t seem to fully believe that it’s possible. Hence… resistance. In a recent Truthbomb from Danielle LaPorte, she kind of summed it up… When we believe something will happen, that it’s possible, look for the best and believe it’s possible – we will see evidence that it’s on the way, and even if it doesn’t work out exactly as we imagine it, it will work out for the highest good for everyone. Every.Single.Time. Conversely, when we focus on what’s missing, things that disappoint us, frustrate us, these are all examples of RESISTANCE and resistance prevents what we want from coming to us. As Esther Hicks says… “If you want something & it’s not coming, it’s because you are giving more attention to the absence of it than the presence of it. Every time. No exception.” It’s the old “I want it BUT” routine – I want it, but I don’t believe it can happen. This is classic resistance and it’s what keeps things from happening in the way you desire. So we have to make a choice, to live in “reality” or what appears to be reality, based on the way we look at life – or to live in POSSIBILITY, which is also totally based on the way we look at life. We are creating our lives simply by how we choose to look at the world. When we are in resistance mode (fear, anger, disappointment, loneliness, lack) we will see more people and situations that back up our view. When we are in allowing mode (love, openness, willingness, eagerness), we will see those same exact people and situations that match THAT view. Sounds too simple, but, get happy and it will all fall into place. In business this is often referred to in compay mission statements as "assumption of positive intent". Assuming that things are working out for you, focusing on what feels good, trusting, faith, these are all choices & sometimes we find them to be a very difficult choice to make. When what we DON’T want is right in our face, choosing to look in the other direction is challenging. If we can lean toward focusing on love, appreciation, possibility and releasing our resistance that opens us. It seems to me that there are some things we can do to aim ourselves that will help us drop our resistance… Be present. Looking back is often tricky because while we may perceive that we are looking as what was beautiful about the past, it’s often a mine field that can cause us to then notice what is missing in the now. APPRECIATION for this moment, right now. Feel your feelings – without judging yourself for feeling them. When they are other than loving, ask them what they want you to know, thank them and tell them “I got this, you can relax now.” Focus elsewhere. Lighten up and focus on anything that helps you access a feeling of happiness. There are loads of stories out there of people who have had difficult life situations come their way, who made an effort and a choice to focus on anything that makes them laugh, and have turned the situation around. Anything is possible. What else could this mean? We all look for evidence that our negative thoughts are “real”, true, that we are “right” in what we believe. Do The Work on your negative thought… Is it true? Can you absolutely know it’s true? How Do I react when I think that thought? Who would I be without this thought? THEN!!!! Turn it around… find three examples of the opposite of that original thought. Fall in love. This is one of the most effective ways to drop resistance. Might be with a pet, a person, yourself, you name it. When we are in love we are an open channel because we use the object of our love as an excuse to see the world the way the Divine sees it. And another action I have found to be profoundly transformative – seek out friends & situations that bring up my level of positivity. Notice that when we are in resistance that we kind of avoid happy people, they are so annoying! We will find reasons (a.k.a. excuses) to be late for or avoid situations that tend to be more positive or uplifting when we are in resistance or a victim mentality. It’s great news that your view of the world is totally in your own hands! It makes perfect sense really – if we are made in “the image of” the creator, it only stands to reason that we, ourselves are creators and we are creating our lives with our thoughts – how we choose to view the world. The shift in perception from fear to love truly is miraculous. In my own life, I have spent a long stretch of time in a lot of fear. (I'm just sayin'... that time is so over. Time to step up in my life and believe in myself again. Check out the bottom half of my Inspiration Page for some added thoughts on this.) If I consider the times in my life that I have felt the most alive, the most like my true self, the most open – it’s when I have been focused on love and appreciation. Giving it, being it, radiating it, seeing it in others and situations. When we focus on love and appreciation – we are living in possibility. ANYTHING is possible, it doesn’t matter what the conditions are or what other people are doing or saying. What matters is YOUR energy, YOUR frequency, YOUR willingness, YOUR trust, YOUR anticipation of the best possible outcome for the highest good for all. You get more of what you focus on – whether you want it or not. Why not go ahead and practice feeling the feelings of having what it is you want? Act as if it’s already here, like a dress rehearsal. BE a match to the frequency of what you want, practice the feeling of having it and the possibilities are endless. It might not look EXACTLY like what you want when it arrives, but it WILL be okay. The timing is all up to you. Sandy XOXOXOXO Here is a great 15 minute audio of ways to reduce our resistance to what it is we want. We are the only thing in our own way most of the time!
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