I’ve set an intention to focus my energies, my thoughts, my emotions in a way that feels good. The entire month of August, I am tuning up my own frequency to a higher level by bringing myself constantly back around to love and appreciation. I’ve already seen some HUGE miraculous shifts in just a couple of weeks of choosing to focus in a way that feels good. So what happens when a person or circumstance is trying to pull me off this course? When someone is negative, or if something doesn’t go my way, or my inner critic is on a rampage? These are the times when I get to decide if I will let these conditions pull me down or will I stay committed to how I want to feel. While it’s so tempting to make it about how “wrong” the person or condition is – these times are really lessons and opportunities for me to reconnect with who I want to be and how I want to feel rather than judge, blame, go into victim mentality or succumb to feeling shame from my inner bully. Coming back into being connected with ourselves; being who we want to be and feeling how we want to feel in these situations when we get tempted to dive into the pool of sharks and surrender to the negativity is certainly not always easy. It takes willingness and loads of practice to stay afloat on top of the water, as well as lots of self-compassion in those times when you do take that dive into the depths. If you get yourself centered and are feeling positive, happy, enthusiastic, appreciative, or hopeful - whenever we interact with others who are maybe angry, depressed, negative, blaming, or jealous; we are going to have a decision to make; either they will be pulled up toward your higher frequency, or we will be pulled lower into theirs. Whomever is most invested in their current frequency, will pull the other person in. The decision we all must make, thousands of times per day is to answer this question: "How do I WANT to feel?" It’s not about the other person, the condition or the inner critic – it’s about making this choice and then not letting the fierce winds of negativity, externals; including other people’s stuff, blow us off course. If you're not sure what to aim at in your feelings, consider something I read this week by Fr. Richard Rohr... "Love is what you were made for and love is who you are. When you live outside of Love, you are not living from your true Being or with full consciousness. " Being true to ourselves, standing in our own light, is one of the most transformative and rewarding things we can do - not only for ourselves, but for everyone we come in contact with. Yet, this is a very challenging journey for sure. When we take full responsibility for ourselves and give up the idea that anyone else or anything is responsible for how we feel – this is true freedom and empowerment. And it’s not about being there all the time. When you can hold this place just 51% of the time, not only will your whole life change, you will also become a beacon of inspiration for others. What I’m talking about is not "feeling good" 51% of the time – as my therapist Joy tells me, feeling good is not the indicator. It’s about having awareness, acceptance and practicing 51% of the time. So what would you need to focus on today to rise up and feel the way you WANT to feel? Two heavy hitters that will move you there the fastest are LOVE and APPRECIATION. These are powerful forces that when you “open the valve” on them, they can amp up our frequency and help life look a whole lot different than if we let the negative pull have its way with us. When I attended Date With Destiny with Tony Robbins, he reminded me of the story of the Ho’oponopono prayer you see above. Tony said that even if we shorten it down to simply saying: “I love you, thank you” (love and appreciation) the transformative effects of this simple mantra are amazing. When you are confronted with something challenging, either a person or a circumstance, try repeating it mentally several times. It’s calming and helps to get you centered in yourself again. Another great insight I heard my friend’s very wise daughter remind me of recently is to simply set an intention. This is especially helpful when we are pretty sure there is going to be a big opportunity in an interaction that could bring up stress or dealing with someone who tends to be angry, depressed, or any lower frequency. What do you want most in this interaction? To love the other person? To stay in a loving space yourself? Or to be "right"? To win? To point out your or their failings according to you? Those would all be based in FEAR. Give these tools of the silent mantra or setting an intention a try this week and let me know what you notice. And remember, just 51% of the time is all we’re after. That is enough to change your frequency, and your life. Making the choice between love or fear is how we create our lives. XOXOXOXO Sandy Dorothy Pays A Visit I’ve long held that butterflies are my mom trying to connect with me. This past week I had an amazing visit!!! This beauty was not moving much at first, so I brought her in the house to warm her up. That must have been what she wanted. She started climbing up my arm, then to my chest, onto my neck then on top of my head! It was so incredible! After some time of doing this, she got her swerve on and was ready to fly. I released her out the back door and she flew up into the tree. Wowzer… the meanings are endless on this one!
Just a beautiful calming, O.h Thankyou so much I believe you just saved my life I sent it to my boyfriend upset with him. .... not thinking behind those few small kind words that were written....I sent it to him so ad and angry he was pulling tube same actions again! Thorn I decided to go back & see if mess. sent the mess.I was drawn into reading this .oat uplifting awesome beautiful vreatcilling life I need want and curve on a every second basic....Thankyou so much I so much needed to hear this, Candi
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Sandy Edie HansenI use this space to "Chat" about things I am working through and learning in my life currently. Join me! Archives
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